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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to the Land of the Empanada

After a stunning 3 day trip through southern Bolivia, I landed back in Chile, and rushed down to Santiago. Feels a bit like coming home. That might be just because I am back in a country with paved roads and toilet seats and friendliness, but either way its good to be back. BUT I quickly found out that I am not out of the woods yet, as about 30 minutes into being in Santiago, my small backpack was stolen. Its getting a bit old. And It's more tiring than anything. What was the hardest to loose was the 100 small cheap things i use everyday, the camera and alpaca sweater were also a bit tough. BUT one thing I have learned on this trip in a big way is acceptance. Traveling alone you got to keep it together, so when things go wrong you have almost no choice but to let it go. you can yell as much as you want at the lady who runs the internet cafe where your backpack was stolen, but A. she wont understand you and B. she doesn't care. SO life goes on, and i still have my passport, and I am not hurt. No more pictures though, sorry, because I know everyone was riveted by my incredible photography! Luckily I downloaded everything up to Colombia, so no Bolivia, or anything from here on out. But again, letting go.

I really am having a great time. and the salt flats really were incredible. it!

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